Regular and punctual attendance is essential.

Research suggests that just 17 days absence from the academy equates to a whole GCSE grade lower than a student with full attendance. 

We expect that parents/carers will: 

• ensure their children attend regularly; 

• notify the academy on first day of absence by telephoning us and provide medical information (eg medical appointment cards) when appropriate/if requested; 

• ensure that they have supplied sufficient contacts (we ask for three) for the academy to safeguard absent students; 

• ensure their children arrive on time, appropriately prepared for the academy day; 

• do everything they can to prevent unnecessary absences, such as making medical and dental appointments outside academy hours; 

• use the academy as a support when they or their child are having difficulties, and work to form a positive relationship with the academy so that there is easy communication when a problem arises; 

• enforce a regular routine at home in terms of homework, bedtime, etc.  

• do not take their children out of academy for holidays during term time. 


As part of our whole-academy approach to maintaining high attendance, we request that students: 

• be aware of the academy’s attendance rules, and when and what they are required to attend; 

• speak to their form tutor or another member of staff if they are experiencing difficulties at the academy or at home which may impact on their attendance; 

• attend all lessons ready to learn, with the appropriate learning equipment requested and on time for the class; 

• follow the correct, set academy procedure if they arrive late. 

The Academy  

To support students to achieve their potential the academy will: 

• contact parents / carers on the first day that absence occurs if no reason is given; 

• contact students with an unexplained absence that have not responded to ‘Schoolgateway’ communications; 

• complete a home visit for unexplained absences and report these to the Police if they remain unexplained; 

• liaise with outside agencies, as appropriate; 

• provide information and advice to parents/carers on attendance; 

• implement the consequences for lateness and truancy as outlined in the Consequences Behaviour Policy©. 

Garforth Academy will not grant permission for leave of absence for holidays during term time

  • The current law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time.
  • If, for any reason whatsoever, you are considering withdrawing your child from the Academy during term time, please submit the reasons for your request for leave of absence on an official proforma – in advance of the planned absence.
  • Application forms may be obtained from Pastoral Leaders and  the Academy’s main reception or, you can download the version at the bottom of this page.

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